
Take Your Profit First, ALWAYS

The formula for profitability has been established for ages. Every business owner, CEO, freelancer and entrepreneur knows it. It is required by Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), which is enforced by the SEC in the US and the International Accounting Standards Board internationally. GAAP’s fundamental formula for profit is simple: Sales – Expenses = Profit …

Buzz Aldrin

Selected by NASA in 1963 into the third group of astronauts, Buzz Aldrin was the first with a doctorate and became known as “Dr. Rendezvous.” The docking and rendezvous techniques he devised for spacecraft in Earth and lunar orbit because critical to the success of the Gemini and Apollo programs, and are still used today. …

Credible ‘Ulk

Many of you know Lou Ferrigno from his days as the star on the hit TV series, The Incredible Hulk, which my mom says I called “‘credible ‘ulk!” He is also an accomplished actor that has starred in two documentaries on body building and fitness that have a cult-like following, several TV shows and big-screen …