How To Create A Video Squeeze Page

A video squeeze page is a great way to start building relationships with your customers and potential customers right from the get-go, even before they enter in their contact details. While a standard text squeeze page with a compelling headline will work just fine if done correctly, a video is sure to draw your visitors in before they even start to read your page.

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The video that you add to your squeeze page can be a demonstration of your product or service, or it can be a welcome from you, yourself, or maybe even a testimonial from someone else. It is generally recommended that a person appear in the video because the customer then gets a feel for who he or she is dealing with, rather than just the product or service that he or she considering handing over his or her contact details for.

Making a video that influences your audience to do what you would like does require some thought and effort, and possibly a little bit of training. The actual video creation itself involves conceiving the idea, shooting the video with professional equipment, editing, and text that will enhance the video. Now, if you are just starting out, you can very easily use a video squeeze page template, or you can hire someone to help you do a more customized, professional job. Keep in mind that experienced squeeze page designers will be able to tell you right away what works and what doesn’t, therefore saving you a great deal of time.

It’s also important to note that your page should be search engine optimized correctly with the right keywords and keyword phrases. You can also do this or learn how to do it on your own, but again, a professional can really help you out with this aspect of your squeeze page as well in terms of saving you time and effort.

As with text squeeze pages, this video type of squeeze page will have four main elements: a compelling headline (along with a pre-header and a sub-header if you decide to do it that way), bullet points explaining the benefits of what you are offering, testimonials (optional), and the opt-in form. Your page should be simple and uncluttered, and it should be very obvious what you want the visitor to do. Often squeeze pages will have arrows pointing to the opt-in form, for example. And your call to action should be in the video as well.

If you aren’t ready to invest in a professional designer, you can go for the many video squeeze page templates that are available today online. You’ll be able to find hundreds of these by doing a serach on Google. In most cases, there is space provided for the video on the left, with the opt-in form on the right. Just embed the video, change and add the text as needed, and you are off to a good start with your new squeeze page.